William Bb the Beauty and Genius of a Work of Art May Be Reconceived

The Bird (1906)

Adopted from Wikiquote. Final update June 3, 2021.

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„All my stories, unconnected as they may be, are based on the fundamental lore or legend that this world was inhabited at ane time by another race who, in practising black magic, lost their foothold and were expelled, yet live on outside always prepare to have possession of this earth again."

—  H.P. Lovecraft American author 1890 - 1937

Attributed to Lovecraft by Harold Farnese, who corresponded with Lovecraft briefly, later on presented by August Derleth as a directly quote; but equally discussed on this page http://www.hplovecraft.com/life/myths.aspx#blackmagic, Farnese'due south messages to Derleth suggested he tended to paraphrase things Lovecraft had written to him, going by memory rather than referring to letters he had on paw. More than details in "The Origin of Lovecraft's 'Black Magic' Quote" by David Due east. Schultz, *Crypt of Cthulhu*, effect 48.

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„Women have everything to do with bringing culture into everyday life, with the expression of it, with the helping and influencing of a nation, not simply because they are mothers but also considering they themselves are an case as individuals. The mod world needs a new forcefulness for the revitalizing of its ideals. India's art has e'er been unconscious, unconscious of its ain dazzler, unconscious of others' admiration, unconscious of the concrete though expressed in Form. India is now beginning to exist conscious and we do non know how to express ourselves consciously. A great dancer'due south art must depend commencement on the life he or she expresses, secondly upon the dazzler of technique and lastly merely, upon its system, costume, and presentation…. Though form, technique and skill are essential, great Art must take the impetus of genius, and inspiration. Then there is permanency."

—  Rukmini Devi Arundale Indian Bharatnatyam dancer 1904 - 1986

pdf, A Century of Negotiations: The Changing Sphere of the Woman Dancer in Bharat, 1 December 2013, Performancestudies.ucla.edu, fifteen-sixteen http://www.performancestudies.ucla.edu/downloads/SarkarNegotiation.pdf.,

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„For he who fights and runs away
May live to fight another day;
Merely he who is in boxing slain
Can never rise and fight again."

—  Oliver Goldsmith Irish gaelic physician and writer 1728 - 1774

The Art of Poetry on a New Plan (1761), vol. ii. p. 147.
The saying "he who fights and runs away may live to fight another day" dates at to the lowest degree as far back equally Menander (ca. 341–290 B.C.), Gnomai Monostichoi, aphorism #45: ἀνήρ ὁ ϕɛύγων καὶ ράλίν μαχήɛṯαί (a homo who flees will fight again). The Attic Nights (book 17, ch. 21) of Aulus Gellius (ca. 125–180 A.D.) indicates it was already widespread in the second century: "...the orator Demosthenes sought safety in flying from the battlefield, and when he was bitterly taunted with his flight, he jestingly replied in the well-known poesy: The man who runs away volition fight again".

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„When world meets with fire and is dissolved by the keenness of it, it would migrate virtually, whether it were dissolved in fire itself, or in some mass of air or water, until the parts of it meeting and again being united became world once more than; for it never could pass into any other kind. But when water is divided past burn or by air, information technology may be formed again and become one particle of fire and two of air: and the divisions of air may become for every particle broken upward two particles of fire. And again when burn is caught in air or in waters or in globe, a little in a groovy bulk, moving amidst a rushing body, and contending with it is vanquished and cleaved upwards, ii particles of fire combine into ane figure of air: and when air is vanquished and broken small, from 2 whole and one half particle i whole effigy of water will exist composed. Allow us also reckon it once again thus: when any of the other kinds is intercepted in fire and is divided by it through the sharpness of its angles and its sides, if it forms into the shape of fire, it at once ceases from being divided…"

—  Platón, volume Timaeus

Section 57a, Tr. R. D. Archer-Hind, The Timaeus of Plato (1888) pp. 203-205. https://books.google.com/books?id=q2YMAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA203

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Source: https://quotepark.com/quotes/1743756-william-beebe-the-beauty-and-genius-of-a-work-of-art-may-be-reco/

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